
Last Quarter of 2016 Looking Good!

Last Quarter of 2016 Looking Good!

  With several key economic reports being released yesterday, and not showing the exciting news that everyone hoped, there is new optimism for those hoping to buy or sell a… Read more ⇢
Why Hire A Buyers Agent

Why Hire A Buyers Agent

Why Hire A Buyer’s Agent?  Check out this list of 10 Reasons To Hire A Buyer’s Agent when you’re ready to buy a home. You can choose someone you… Read more ⇢
Property Management 101

Property Management 101

With the continual reports of a market recovery, investors are coming out of the woodwork.  Many are first time real estate investors, so you’ll probably start to see lots… Read more ⇢
100% Financing Option

100% Financing Option

I am pretty stoked to learn of a home purchase loan program offered by a local bank. They are offering 97-100% financing to select buyers – with NO PMI (Private Mortgage… Read more ⇢

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