buyer agency

Last Quarter of 2016 Looking Good!

Last Quarter of 2016 Looking Good!

  With several key economic reports being released yesterday, and not showing the exciting news that everyone hoped, there is new optimism for those hoping to buy or sell a… Read more ⇢
Types of Real Estate Sales Seen in 2014

Types of Real Estate Sales Seen in 2014

Oy vey… the first quarter of the year is gone already, and the market, it’s still a’changin’  I have no idea what people mean when they say “In a normal market”…… Read more ⇢
Why Hire A Buyers Agent

Why Hire A Buyers Agent

Why Hire A Buyer’s Agent?  Check out this list of 10 Reasons To Hire A Buyer’s Agent when you’re ready to buy a home. You can choose someone you… Read more ⇢
IN SEARCH OF… Homes Wanted, Buyers’ Needs

IN SEARCH OF… Homes Wanted, Buyers’ Needs

“IN SEARCH OF… (Homes Wanted, Buyer Needs)” is a weekly post listing the types of properties my clients are looking for…. If you own property like this, please reach out to… Read more ⇢
Neighbor, Pay Thy Bills!

Neighbor, Pay Thy Bills!

You already knew your neighbors could impact your sale.  How their home looks, how they act when they see someone coming to look at your home… it all matters… Read more ⇢
Open Houses Loudoun County August 12, 2012

Open Houses Loudoun County August 12, 2012

Maybe you’re thinking of moving and ready to start tire kicking… maybe, just maybe.  But maybe you’re not yet ready to call me to help you really get things… Read more ⇢
Should You Hire The Home Inspector Your Agent Suggests?

Should You Hire The Home Inspector Your Agent Suggests?

This post is inspired by a conversation I had with a client and local business man.  He is a well established, experienced home improvement contractor.  Recently, he had a… Read more ⇢

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