
Buying a Short Sale in 2014

Buying a Short Sale in 2014

You may be wondering about buying a short sale… Over the years you have heard a lot of “stuff” and you’re not sure which parts are true.  If you follow the… Read more ⇢
SOLD: Single Family Home Foxridge Neighborhood (Leesburg)

SOLD: Single Family Home Foxridge Neighborhood (Leesburg)

Home for sale, Foxridge Neighborhood, Leesburg, VA Congratulations to Todd & Janetta who purchased this lovely home in Foxridge neighborhood today (located in SW Leesburg VA). It’s a… Read more ⇢
Building Wealth By Owning Real Estate: Five Lessons for Us All

Building Wealth By Owning Real Estate: Five Lessons for Us All

…. and that concludes the blog series on “Building Wealth By Owning Real Estate: Five Lessons for Us All”.  These tidbits and antecdotal stories are the stories of my life, but… Read more ⇢
Lesson #5: Appreciating Real Estate

Lesson #5: Appreciating Real Estate

Lesson #5 in this blog series:  Appreciating Real Estate.  Read the entire series from the start by… Read more ⇢
Lesson #4:  Buy As Early As You Can

Lesson #4: Buy As Early As You Can

Lesson #4 in this blog series:  Buy As Early As You Can.  Read the entire series from the start by clicking HERE. My… Read more ⇢
Lesson #1:  Real Estate Always Has Value

Lesson #1: Real Estate Always Has Value

Lesson #1 in this blog series is “Real Estate Always Has Value”. My first lesson in real estate came in 1975.  I was in preschool, but I remember… Read more ⇢
Real Estate, You & Long Term Wealth

Real Estate, You & Long Term Wealth

Every real estate purchase is an investment, even when you’re buying your own home.  Statistics show that for 90% of us, 60% of our wealth is tied up in our principal… Read more ⇢

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