Thinking of Selling in the Spring?

With the “Spring Market” starting in 15 weeks, many home sellers are already behind the 8 ball.  Yes, I said 15 weeks.  In Real Estate, the spring market starts promptly March 1st with plenty homes for sale, unless there is a blizzard delay, in which case, it starts 1 week later.  I’m not kidding.  Check out this chart.  The high points are where your greatest chance of selling is.  Um.. March.

And how long does it take a seller to get their home ready to go on the market?  Would you believe it averages a week for every year they’ve lived at that house?

Lived there only 5 years? You’ll get off easy, as most people have only minor stuff to do and their home will easily be on the market in 5 weeks.  But for those long timers, the ones that have been in their house 20-30 years?  They need 20-30 weeks to get their homes ready.  Add in the holidays, and that time can get stretched out farther…deduct 3 weeks for the  holiday frenzy.  Now you have 12!  And that’s really 11, because you really need to be “photo ready” a week before the market debut, so we can have your professional photos taken.

Oh yeah, and then don’t forget.  Getting the outside trim painted?  The temps have to be above 55 degrees for several days in a row.  In FEBRUARY do you know how hard that is?  Can you say IMPOSSIBLE?  And if the trim’s a wreck you probably can’t really have your exterior photos done, and your curb appeal is a mess… and… well.. deciding what to do can be a gamble.

The #1 mistake sellers make?  They miss the spring market.

They start thinking about calling me in March, expecting to list  in May.

But, I don’t know how to tell you this… Memorial Day is summer, and not just for pool season.

Don’t miss the market.

Call today for your no-strings attached consultation.
Direct:  703-669-3142
Email: [email protected]
Or schedule online:  www.Meetme.SO/MyAgentVicky

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