Tom and Anna O’Brien

Dear Vicky,

Thank you for everything you have done to sell our house. You went above and beyond the call of duty, and even when we called with a question or needed assurance on something you always made our calls feel welcomed and never a bother. In our minds you are the best REALTOR(R) in the world!!!!

Thanks again.

Love always,

Tom, Anna, Joshua & Jessica OBrien


During a recent follow-up call, Mrs. O’Brien added:

“She’s excellent. Very willing to answer questions. She was patient, energetic and creative. She’s the best!”

…….. Letter received from Tom & Anna OBrien

Anna was my daughter’s preschool teacher… the best preschool teacher ever… I sold their mountainside home in 2007.  Their family relocated to Florida after the sale.  Even though it was bittersweet for us, with my daughter losing an amazing preschool teacher, I was pleased to help their family.  I am even more pleased that we continue to stay in touch…thanks in large part to the magic of Facebook… and their family remains near and dear to my heart.

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