Psst… Just firing off a quick announcement… I have told you I am working hard on my web site. My goal is to add a new feature every day. So far, I am doing quite well. I have now added a “Things to do” calendar to my web site… it’s Leesburg centric, Loudoun based… but sometimes you’ll find things that happen beyond the county borders. So if you live in Leesburg, Loudoun or the Dulles region, you’re going to want to book mark this page:
You can find it anytime from my home page at, then click on “Communities” and then on “Loudoun County: Special Events and Fun Activities”
Oh, and in case you don’t already know, Leesburg has a fabulous facebook page (operated by yours truly and assistants)… check it out at
That’s it for tonight’s quick post… Hope to “meet” you online soon.