I am SO EXCITED! I have a family I did a short sale for last year – we closed right before Christmas. They have really been struggling financially, through no fault of their own.
Recently, I have been working with them and Habitat for Humanity to find a more permanent solution than the crowded apartment where this family of six resides currently.
Today we were presented with the partnership agreement for a brand new Habitat for Humanity home!
That’s right – a new house, that they can help build! It is NOT a free home, but it will be really affordable to them, and it’s going to be wonderful. It will be a four bedroom single family home in the Erin Peterson subdivision in St. Louis (Loudoun County, outside of Middleburg).
I am thrilled. Just thrilled. They should be in their brand new home by Christmas. This is a very deserving family, and it will be their first single family home ever.
So as time goes on, I might be asking if anyone is interested in donating time to help at the construction site, or help fulfill their hours of obligation, or if anyone has a lawn mower for them – things of that nature. I hope many of you will have the means, opportunity and heart to reach out and help this family. This is SO wonderful for them, and I feel so blessed to be part of it.
Should you want to learn more, stay tuned to my facebook page The Real Estate Whisperer, or watch for updates on my blog: www.VickyChrisner.com/news, check out the Loudoun Habitat for Humanity program, and or/email me [email protected].